Freedom Planet 2 All Voice Acting Complete!

(Note: ‘Gifs’ were omitted as they are in a video format on Twitter, and those don’t crossover to this blog very well.)

“Today marks Freedom Planet 2’s final recording session. It’s been an adventure these past three months. We can’t wait to share it with you!”




Thats the face of a girl who just finished recording # ! TY for the BBQ @  & @ 

– Ashlyn_Selich

“Just finished directing Freedom Planet 2! That’s it!! All actors have been recorded 😊❤️



“Creator/Executive Director: @  Voice Director: @  Actor: @  (Neera) Go follow ’em! ✨

– DawnMBennettVA


“Also, @  and @  were our fantastically magical engineers these past three months. Go tell them they’re awesome. Please.”

// Commentary Corner:

Woooooohooo! Congrats on completing all of the recording, you all! Very much looking forward to hearing them, in the game! 😀 Three months of recording sessions! Wild stuff!


Going roughly by Freedom Planet 1’s timeline, we have maybe two years to go until FP2 is complete then, but the plan is to have a playable prototype constructed by the end of this year, or sometime next year. However, there’s plenty of signs that the ball on FP2 has been silently rolling in the pipes for some time now and the release of the game might by closer to Christmas 2017. However, that’s the speculation. No way to know for sure, at this point. But production getting this far along is still a good milestone, and we don’t have to worry about any VA’s getting mysteriously replaced on short notice or anything of that nature. Cool stuff!


(On the other hand, this very likely means that any hopes of an audio drama / audiobook / radio play / etc is probably off the table until after FP2 is completed and released. Oh well, one can dream!)

Click here for preview of Zao’s lines in Freedom Planet 2.


Here’s a shot of @ as The Announcer from Freedom Planet 2! (Preview clip coming soon!) – @DawnMBennetVA


Meanwhile, here’s @ crying. For Freedom Planet 2. I think. @ – @DawnMBennetVA


// Commentary Corner: 

I’m totally convinced that this anguish is Zao sulking after the Sigwada obliterates Zao’s Sky Battalion with ease. It makes Zao sound very childish and it’s kind of endearing.

Dawn M. Bennett on Twitter

Dawn M. Bennett on Twitter

Dawn M. Bennett on Twitter

Dawn M. Bennett on Twitter

This gallery contains 1 photo.

I think this move is called, “Banging the Gong.” #FreedomPlanet2  –  Dawn M. Bennett ‏@DawnMBennettVA Freedom Planet 2 Voiceover Recordings at the OkraTron 5000 have begun! HYPE! ( I foresee fanart of Banging the Gong.)