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mftvbro: Prince Dail [No color] Color will come soon!
Happy 2nd Anniversary to Freedom Planet!!!
…I wonder who we’re recording today for Freedom Planet 2…? – @DawnMBennetVA
Now I’m listening to @VictoriaVittiVA perform her lines directed by @KaggyFilms and @DawnMBennettVA. GOOSEBUMPS – @Omahdon
// Commentary Corner:
It’s the second year anniversary since Freedom Planet’s official release on Steam, July 21st, 2014! (First year anniversary since Wii U in just about two months!) It was forgotten and unplanned for, and coming up with a neat and inventive way to celebrate it on short notice while other work took priority simply wasn’t going to happen. Sorry to disappoint.
Fun fact:
“Both Freedom Planet and the original Mario Tennis share the same release date, which means FP shares a birthday with Waluigi.” – @SDiDuro
Also, coincidentally the birthday of Ryu from Street Fighter –
Back on topic regarding the images above, My guess is that it’s Dawn herself this time around. It’d make the most sense for the character to be someone relevant to what we’ve established is likely to occur near the beginning of the game, and someone who physically still is physically near the area where recording can take place.
My next guesses would be Morgan Berry (as Merga), Omahdon (as Magister), or an additional session with Vitti (As Pangu).
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talonsenpai: Something I drew a while ago but never actually uploaded until now. I guess this would make her a plague dogtor? Man my puns suck!
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waffletoast215: I’m a super dog! EEEEEEEEEEEEEE~ wouldboop minisuperdog!
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la-ndy: stuff for Freedom Planet. Characters are awesome and story is amazing <3 Eeee~These are good fun!
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rainbowjammed: Summer Games Done Quick; doodles #1 Ape Escape, Jet Set Radio, Freedom Planet, Sonic Adventure 2. these runs are keeping me busy! ♥
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colourfulsteps: Patreon sketch request from this month for Molly JTG! I really had so much fun drawing this one. It’s just literally all my favorite things about Dail in one thing. COMMISSION INFO PATREON – Beepboop. The king has been located. Initiating negotiations for derobotization. – HOSTILE DETECTED, THREAT LEVEL: CRITICAL. DEPLOYING THE DISTRACTION BUBBLES! … Continue reading
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pedrovin: AAA Commission for Monkey thingy from Freedom Planet 2 After digging through the official art of AAA, it seemed like he was very much in need of some more-cute art.And Pedrovin’s really good at cute and cool looking art!~<3 If you’ld like a picture like that, Pedrovin’s currently accepting as many commissions as … Continue reading
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colourfulsteps: Patreon sketch requests from June! COMMISSION INFO PATREON Both of these are absolutely adorable~<3 (I funded the Carol illustration.)