Checking the FP2 tag again, it seems like nobody’s posted up the new version of Dragon Valley on here straight from Woofle’s Soundcloud, either.
In fact, it’s part of Woofle’s playlist for Alpha tracks for the game! Check out all the WIP music tracks right here!
Tag Archives: freedom planet
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pembrokewkorgi: Finally gotten around to doing a full color picture of Lilac’s new design from Freedom Planet 2. Came out pretty near, I think. Still on the fence on whether is this design is better or worse than the original…
So there was a blooper (on purpose) included in the video game Freedom Planet
(on purpose), where a character I played (The Magister) proclaims in a grandiose manner: “We shall establish a Tim Tam currency exchange program!”. It was meant to be a silly little reference to a chocolate-covered cookie one could find in Australia and nothing more than that.
After the game’s release however, I was sitting around talking with some of the people behind the game and we pondered what EXACTLY does “Tim Tam” mean in the context of the world of Freedom Planet. We somehow came to the conclusion that it actually referred to two characters called “Tim” and “Tam” – and lo and behold! Timothy Von Biskit and Tamara Von Biskit were born and this skit sprung fully formed from my head! I guess this makes these guys my Freedom Planet OCs? Oh dear, I think I may have taken a turn down the wrong path.
Featuring the voices of Autumn Stroble and myself, music from the Freedom Planet soundtrack by Woofle and sound effects from Freedom Planet created by Stephen DiDuro.
This is absolutely lovely!~<3