FP2 Dialogue Portraits

Behold, the cast of Freedom Planet 2! (Art by @TysonTanX)

@GalaxyTrail https://twitter.com/galaxytrail/status/741001641088942080

Had fun (and some headache because of pixel limitation) drawing them. Can’t wait to make expressions out of them! 😀

@TysonTanX https://twitter.com/TysonTanX/status/741095535470252033

// Commentary Corner: 

Between the new flashy logo, the new scenery stylings, this portrait art layout, and the existence of the Battlesphere, I think it’s relatively safe to assume that the fighting-game stylings are there by design. There’s room for it to occur between all of the platforming action of the game’s main story, too. Just check out this quote:

“Do you want to witness Avalice’s greatest fighters duke it out in the comfort of your living room? Look no further than the Battlesphere in glorious downtown Shang Mu!”

 – http://freedomplanet2.com/characters.php

I wonder if we’ll be getting netplay?

Hey ya’ll! So, Galaxy Trail is releasing a bit of FP2 info today, and part of that is taking a look at the progression of the music. The alpha soundtrack was very early development, and much of it has been scrapped. Here’s a look at the themes of the three main girls, and how they’re coming along. Probably pretty easy to guess which is which 😀 Each girl’s theme is a reprise of a stage from the first game!
Don’t forget, I have an album on sale right now, too! Check it out! 😀 leilawilson.bandcamp.com/album/roadtrips-2016

Leila Wilson [Woofle]

A few of the character themes in Freedom Planet 2 serve as a callback to FP1’s soundtrack. Here’s a taste!



“The alpha soundtrack was very early development, and much of it has been scrapped.” That’s a little disappointing given how much we’ve listened to it on Avalice Radio in the Discord server, but since the alpha tracks are still publically available on Soundcloud, I suppose that’s just as well.

Glad to hear these takes on these themes, in any case!

For comparison here are some timestamps and relevant links:
Pangu Lagoon @ 0:00 – 0:48
+ Round 1: (English) https://galaxytrail.bandcamp.com/track/pangu-lagoon-1-english
+ Round 1: (Japanese) https://galaxytrail.bandcamp.com/track/pangu-lagoon-1-japanese
This one sounds the most similar to its previous version to me. I dig the bass going on, and the higher strings feel a bit classy. Of the three themes in this preview, this has the most evident synth portions.

Jade Creek @ – 0:49 – 1:36
+ Round 2: https://galaxytrail.bandcamp.com/track/up-the-sub-jade-creek-2
A fascinating take on the JC2 motifs. The rhythms between the lead melody and the percussion track makes it feel a touch technical. Generally, it brings some of the same feel of the Trap Hideout theme too. Neat. I could imagine listening to this while exercising.

Relic Maze @ 1:37  – 2:27
(particularlly noticible at 2:01)
+ Round 1: https://galaxytrail.bandcamp.com/track/relic-maze-1
+ Round 2: https://galaxytrail.bandcamp.com/track/relic-maze-2

I like how it retains the sort of ‘shimmering’ quality between the three themes, though the bulk of start of this new theme feels unfamiliar to me. Kinda jazzy though, and that’s fun. Seems like the type of music to have playing during a long relaxing bath.

Freedom Planet 2 Alpha Soundcloud Soundtrack Playlist: https://soundcloud.com/leila-wilson-woofle/sets/8vzrqpehgpv7
Freedom Planet Discord Server: https://discord.gg/0qWdN0V3VPsmefmH
Freedom Planet Forums: http://www.galaxytrail.com/forum/index.php

This gallery contains 3 photos.

The city of Shang Tu plays a more important role in Freedom Planet 2. We finally get to explore its streets! – https://twitter.com/galaxytrail/status/743528558295945216 Lilac’s new Boost Breaker ability lets her cancel her Dragon Boost while damaging foes with a spark of light. – https://twitter.com/galaxytrail/status/743531340998578177 –Commentary Corner: SOOOOOO FREAKING HYPED FOR FP2Like just imagine what kind … Continue reading

Behind the scenes information on FP, information about Galaxy Trail’s cast, some information on FP2. Fun, fun! A good number of laughs and background on the cast members.

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flora-tea: I have been having a terrible art block lately. My inspiration to do anything has just been so…not there. Although earlier my best friend Mike suggested I do something Freedom Planet related.I don’t know why I never thought of that!He bought me the game a little while ago and I love it so much. … Continue reading

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lvlupstudios: Join Carol’s Wildcats, the toughest biker club in Dragon Valley! A new Freedom Planet tee from GalaxyTrail Games! http://www.levelupstudios.com/motorcycle-club Looking for excitement, adventure, and the feeling of the wind blowing through your hair? Why not join Carol’s Wildcats, the toughest biker club in Dragon Valley? Sure, they may only have three active members, but … Continue reading

This gallery contains 2 photos.

Check out @LevelUpStudios for some sweet FP shirts!  Heroes: http://www.levelupstudios.com/heroes  Carol: http://www.levelupstudios.com/motorcycle-club – @galaxytrail (Via Twitter) Cool new Freedom Planet shirts are now available! I ordered one of the WildCats shirts myself, and fully intend to have it become my typical Saturday go-to shirt. Still waiting on it to arrive!