“Note to self: Legs don’t swing back and forth when running, they go through a cycling motion.” – SDiduro,
// Commentary Corner:
While the difference between the two animations might not be immediately apparent, you can most easily see the change by focusing on the knees and the motion of the lower leg relative to that.
Author Archives: Dazzle Baozhu
Freedom Planet 2 Carol Tea Gameplay Preview
“It’s robot smashy slashy time! Here’s a taste of what Carol can do in Freedom Planet 2!”
It's robot smashy slashy time! Here's a taste of what Carol can do in Freedom Planet 2!
— GalaxyTrail 🌀 (@galaxytrail) January 3, 2017
“Published on Jan 3, 2017
Freedom Planet 2 © 2017 GalaxyTrail, LLC. Carol © Ziyo Ling.
Carol’s back, and she’s got some new tricks up her feline sleeves! Her Jump Disc lets her slice up enemies from a distance, and she can home in on its location for extra damage. She can also throw the disc upwards to reach new heights. Combined with her wall jumping, she has the most vertical mobility of any character in the game. She’s also been training in Bike Fu and has a number of new, hard-hitting attacks while riding her motorcycle. She can even throw it just like her disc!”
(Commentary corner would go here, but the author needs sleep.)
Forest in the (Dragon) Valley
“Added a ton of new trees and foliage to DV based on feedback from the trailer. Looks like a proper forest now.” – SDiDuro on Twitter.
// Commentary Corner:
“[…] looks like a proper forest now.”
Okay, that’s actually pretty interesting. Freedom Planet 1’s Dragon Valley did have some greenery in the later parts of the level, but the heavy increase in greenery suggests that something’s been going on in-world to heavily encourage the plant growth during the two years since the first game. I wouldn’t blame anyone for mistaking it for Jade Creek, which also had a lot of greenery and water (and a lot more bamboo and falling rocks). Incidentally, it also reminds me of how Borderlands 1 prominently started with orange tones, and how it’s very common in games like Shovel Knight, Sonic the Hedgehog, Shantae, Banjo-Kazooie, and Kirby to start with a green grassy level.
Welcome to Avalice, Dragon Forest!
Here’s a Bit of Trivia About Sprite Sizes Between FP1 and FP2
Here's a bit of trivia about sprite sizes between FP1 and FP2.
— 🦇 Sabrina DiDuro 🦇 (@SDiDuro) December 28, 2016
“Here’s a comparison of FP1 and FP2, with the FP2 screenshot resized to the same dimensions and a line guide added to compare sprite dimensions:
When both screenshots are scaled to the same size, the size of Lilac’s sprite and the hitbox are identical. (FP2’s Lilac looks smaller because of her more humanlike proportions.)
Essentially, this allows me to design levels the exact same way as I would in FP1. I won’t be taking auto-zooming into consideration when designing levels because it’s something that the player can turn off if they want to, and it should never feel like the zoom feature is necessary to make the game easier to play.” – SDiDuro
Happy Freedom Planet Day!
Hope everyone has been enjoying their holidays! In the meantime, we have a few announcements!
— GalaxyTrail 🌀 (@galaxytrail) December 25, 2016
Freedom Planet 2: Sample Version will be available at the end of January as a free download, and include all playable characters.
— GalaxyTrail 🌀 (@galaxytrail) December 25, 2016
We'll be sharing gameplay videos of each heroine over the next few weeks, starting now with Lilac!
— GalaxyTrail 🌀 (@galaxytrail) December 25, 2016
We've got a busy and exciting few weeks ahead of us and we hope you'll like what we have in store!
— GalaxyTrail 🌀 (@galaxytrail) December 25, 2016
“From @GalaxyTrail on Twitter:
Hope everyone has been enjoying their holidays! In the meantime, we have a few announcements!
Freedom Planet 2: Sample Version will be available at the end of January as a free download, and include all playable characters.
We’ll be sharing gameplay videos of each heroine over the next few weeks, starting now with Lilac!
Lastly, we’ll be showing off the demo in person at PAX South! Find us in San Antonio, TX on January 27-29.
We’ve got a busy and exciting few weeks ahead of us and we hope you’ll like what we have in store!”
// Commentary Corner:
Quick bullet list of sections of note:
- The Guard Gauge(?) blinks on and off until just after the Energy Bar fills (@13), but doesn’t appear to empty when an attack is successfully guarded against (@17).
- @31: Boost-rolling now applies even when falling in the air, but applies a deceleration just before takeoff.
- @41: Lilac can now perform Rising Slash while in the air. (The “High Uppercut” exploit in FP1 becomes an Ascended Glitch.)
- @42: Enemies can destroy some sections of the level, and this doesn’t appear to be mandatory.
- @58: Getting items from chests now displays text indicating what was in the chest.
- @1:01: Shields/Barriers now seem to manifest as a flying follower and change based on element. In addition, shield/barrier health is displayed on the health bar with icons indicating the element. We see the Earth and Fire manifestations in particular.
- @1:07: Rainbow rings appear similar to the Dragon Rings (or “Time Gates”). When activated, a bar near the bottom displays :crystal:BONUS:crystal:. It seems like the more distance traveled during that time will give more bonus crystals when it ends.
- @1:16: Boss health bar. It might be placeholder, as FP1 had placeholder health bars at some time, but it might be here to stay.
- @1:30: Revivals in action.
Also, I'm going to stake a pointless bet on FP2 right now just in case I end up being right about this. But four playable characters, not 3.
— Punchy (@Succinct_Punchy) December 25, 2016
@1:41 Speculation of a fourth possible playable character. Given the timing until the demo arrives at PAX and the promise to upload videos for all playable characters, this does line up and could be anything. (I’m kinda hoping it’s Neera, Cory, or Merga, personally.) When pointed out that Milla isn’t typically associated with read, another way to interpret it is: Milla Cube Green, Carol Bike Red, Lilac Boost Lilac, and ?Mystery?Flavor? (Note that speculation is just that. Don’t be disappointed if this does not occur. )
Freedom Planet 2 All Voice Acting Complete!
(Note: ‘Gifs’ were omitted as they are in a video format on Twitter, and those don’t crossover to this blog very well.)
“Today marks Freedom Planet 2’s final recording session. It’s been an adventure these past three months. We can’t wait to share it with you!”
Thats the face of a girl who just finished recording #Freedomplanet2 ! TY for the BBQ @ DawnMBennettVA & @ KaggyFilms”
“Just finished directing Freedom Planet 2! That’s it!! All actors have been recorded
“Creator/Executive Director: @ SDiDuro Voice Director: @ KaggyFilms Actor: @ Ashlyn_Selich (Neera) Go follow ’em!
– DawnMBennettVA
“Also, @ nonamehoff and @ DonaldAShults were our fantastically magical engineers these past three months. Go tell them they’re awesome. Please.”
– DawnMBennettVA
// Commentary Corner:
Woooooohooo! Congrats on completing all of the recording, you all! Very much looking forward to hearing them, in the game! 😀 Three months of recording sessions! Wild stuff!
Going roughly by Freedom Planet 1’s timeline, we have maybe two years to go until FP2 is complete then, but the plan is to have a playable prototype constructed by the end of this year, or sometime next year. However, there’s plenty of signs that the ball on FP2 has been silently rolling in the pipes for some time now and the release of the game might by closer to Christmas 2017. However, that’s the speculation. No way to know for sure, at this point. But production getting this far along is still a good milestone, and we don’t have to worry about any VA’s getting mysteriously replaced on short notice or anything of that nature. Cool stuff!
(On the other hand, this very likely means that any hopes of an audio drama / audiobook / radio play / etc is probably off the table until after FP2 is completed and released. Oh well, one can dream!)
Lilac Plushie by Lexiipantz
This gallery contains 6 photos.
“minky for my next 2 commissions on deck” – Lexiipantz “lilac progress. maybe I can finish her tonight???” – Lexiipantz “SUPER CLOSE DOT COM” – Lexiipantz “Lilac the Dragon Girl from Freedom Planet!! commission for @ Scamper52596 !!☆” – Lexiipantz // Commentary Corner: Not to be confused with the recently revealed Sanshee Lilac Plushie Chibis, … Continue reading
Plush Lilac
Check out what’s coming soon from @ TeamSanshee! (Photo by @ Aphmau_) – @ GalaxyTrail
// Commentary Corner:
Oh neat, the Milla plushie might become a real thing! This Sash Lilac plush even has the logo on it and everything. Nice!
Also, I can’t help but notice that the plushe almost looks fused with the one adjacent to it.
Freedom Planet is Coming to PlayStation 4!
“Freedom Planet is coming to PlayStation 4! Release date will be revealed at a later date. …” – @ GalaxyTrail
(I don’t really have much to say about this, but I’ll probably pick up another copy of the game when I pick up PSVR. Coooolbeans. There will probably be an increase in fan-stuff and general playbase once the additional console release goes out. That’ll be great!)
Beach Activities with Milla & Carol
“@ galaxytrail More beach activities with Carol and Milla.” – JT_Metalli on Twitter.
Absolutely stunning beach time summer fun~<3