The city of Shang Tu plays a more important role in Freedom Planet 2. We finally get to explore its streets!

Lilac’s new Boost Breaker ability lets her cancel her Dragon Boost while damaging foes with a spark of light.

Commentary Corner:

Like just imagine what kind of combos you may be able to get out of the boost cancel!
For a potential flying boss: Rising Slash -> Foot Dive -> Dragon Boost -> Boost Break -> Air Kick -> Rising Slash -> Foot Dive.
Or for a stationary grounded target-> Rolling Dragon Boost -> Boost Break -> Grounded Kick -> Rolling Dragon Boost…
And looking at the meter in the screencap, either breaking a boost retains some energy, or the visual effect stays on screen for some time afterwards, allowing Lilac time to regain meter.

And those flying drones? Who builds adorable but unhappy robots that buzz around and drop bombs everywhere? I mean, the robots are cute but they look all frowny. Hey wait…
“Her personal airship, the Sigwada, is packed with hundreds of smaller drone ships that can swarm and distract her targets while she makes off with the goods.”


“In any case, the bug-eyed chimp has a near-psychotic obsession with engineering and enjoys building and piloting all sorts of crazy contraptions. Could he have something to do with the wave of robot attacks plaguing the three kingdoms?”


“A powder boy or powder monkey manned naval artillery guns as a member of a warship’s crew, primarily during the Age of Sail.”

Also, a detail I completely missed that others pointed out: Remember the cutscene in the Relic Maze where Carol scratched her ear?

Also, in both of these cases where we see Lilac clearly using her energy gauge, the bar on the far left is emptied, but on the Carol screencap, it’s full. So it would seem that whatever that far bar is (which I assume to be a guard gague) is also drained when using energy-based abilities.

The art looks great, and we finally get a good look at Shang Tu beyond just the confines of the palace. Fun stuff!

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