So, I’ll be blunt: While the Freedom Planet 2 logo used in our announcement trailer was solid and well-made, we didn’t feel like it captured the spirit of the game itself and that it was somewhat generic-looking compared to FP1’s logo. If we had more time to work on it, it probably would have looked different.
That being said, we’ve decided to give ourselves more time to work on it, and here are the results!
Special thanks to Tyson Tan for the initial concept, Kazeblade for feedback and DanSyron for bringing it to life. – Strife
Oh wow, this logo looks very fightingame-esque. Kinda brings to mind BlazBlue a little. Either way, digging the gold & crystal look, and the placement of the planet puts the emphasis on the planet. The purple and blue is probably an aesthetic decision, it doesn’t look like a sunrise/sunset/object except for the reflection of the 2 itself. Either way. Neat!
For comparison, here’s the old logo displayed on the header of :
yeah so tyson decided to make a concept that was more of a tribute to the original game logo as it had a very solid design. when flushing it out I was talking with Strife about how we could use colors from the original logo to help the new one look like a ‘sequel’ to the first one. In-spirit, its supposed to be the next logical progression of logos for FP.
Oh, that’s why the color choice! That’s a cool bit of insight as to why it looks like it does, thanks!
It’s a bit easier to see knowing what to look for!