Milla is going to be fun to work with. Her attack speed is buffed from FP1 and she’ll overall be more versatile. – @SDiDuro
Angry puppy! Green Murder Spikes! Or Phantom Shield Bursts! Whichever name you prefer! Still cute and hug-worthy. And I’m liking the look of the phantom cube on the left. Looks more gelatinous than glassy here, and brings to mind an overstuffed marshmallow. In a good way.
Also, given what we heard from GalaxyTrail’s most recent PAX Panel, Milla will be a bit faster, can stack multiple blocks in reserve, has learned some punches and kicks from the Magister’s training, and is now a full-on alchemist!
Interesting here is that the Phantom Block is not at its usual side view but instead an elevated and rotated. This might suggest that the blocks rotate around their vertical axis now, or that blocks in reserve are displayed at an angle without being held. If that’s the case, she’s going to look a bit more like Yoshi once she masses a tail of 2-6 green murder cubes.
The background image looks similar to the upper-right corner of the Avian Museum artwork shown off earlier, but the edges are a lot rougher and the colors are closer to background we’ve seen in previous museum screenshots. Might be early art. Might be another section of the level. Not sure!
Also pictured: More FP2 Crystal Shards.
(Also, this means a healthy chunk of my speculation about FP2′s story can be tossed out, but nobody reads a fanblog for the author’s opinions, right?)